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Meet The Team

Every member of the Pacifica Group has advanced training and experience in their area.  They are all grounded in attachment theory, are trauma-informed, strive to incorporate the latest research and understanding in neuroscience, and work from a systemic perspective that views every person in their context, environment and relationship when understanding their mental health.  


Click to learn more about them, their services and specialties, and contact them for questions, consult and scheduling an appointment. 

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Dr. Mark Maxwell

PsyD, Marriage and Family Therapist #80504

  • Director of Pacifica Group

  • Director of Conexa 501(c)3

  • Advanced Training in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and Family Therapy.

  • Advanced Training in Brainspotting

  • Supervisor, Speaker 

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Raul Roman   He/Him/Él

Bilingual Spanish / English

Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #119954

Advanced training in Emotionally Focused Therapy

for Couples (EFT)

Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 1

Play Therapy - Art/Sand Tray

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​Áurea Oliveira

Bilingual Portuguese / English

Registered Associate Marriage And Family Therapist

AMFT 126935

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Erika Viveros

Bilingual Spanish / English

Registered Associate Marriage And Family Therapist

AMFT #137239

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Noor Gorgees 

Trilingual Arabic/Chaldean/English

Marriage and Family Therapist #141088

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Elizabeth Wilson

Bilingual Spanish / English

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #127660

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Monica Attia

Registered Associate Marriage And Family Therapist

AMFT #141520

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    Renee Lewis

    Mindfulness trainer

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    Let's Connect

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    Phone: (619) 664-4606


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